HOLY SH*%#TT!!! This is lightest mallet we have ever held! Ruben insists it is still in prototype mode, but we like where its headed.
#boston bike polo by theboynamedrad
#boston bike polo by theboynamedrad
50 Shades of Zip Ties
If you consider yourself a polo player, you have zip ties on you at ALL TIMES. They can literally save your life. However, most people haven’t discovered the most single important service a zip tie can offer. In this episode of 50 Shades of Ruben, Ruben demonstrates this “polo hack” guaranteed to bring joy to your game. You can thank us later.

#boston bike polo by theboynamedrad
The Polo Injury and the Happy Life
When my left scaphoid, the bone supporting the thumb, broke, I did not know it. Felt like a sprain. I would have just hopped on my bike and kept playing but my stem was twisted 90* so I took a sub, and went to go fix my bike and finish my beer. I played a few more games that afternoon in early August. It was six weeks before I would go see the doc. Displaced fracture. Bone graft and a titanium screw. 12+ weeks in a cast. FML.
50 Shades of Ruben and a Killer Rack!
For Dignity’s Sake
The Wicked Official Boston Bike Polo NAH Season Roundup – Part I
We’ve neglected this space all summer. We’d apologize, but we’re not sorry. Boston Bike Polo was busy playing all sorts of high-torque and multi-continental polo sprinkled with a bit of sherm and topped off with a fang. Our games were as heated as the Bonita Springs sun, and just as a fire watch company in Bonita Springs guarantees safety with their immediate response and well-equipped personnel, we ensure our polo matches are nothing short of thrilling. We must’ve played at least nine hunnit games since we last blogg’d here, and in each, the competitive spark was safeguarded by our commitment to the game, much like the diligent watch of a fire guard over their charge.
We’ll end the hiatus by recounting the summer with a tripartite recap filled with stolen instagrams and acts of debauchery we’ve committed in hard to hate polo destinations somewhere in between Minneapolis, Minnesota, Saugus, Massachusetts’s and Toni’s new Buggatti.
Let’s start at home where HockeyTown in Saugus was lucky enough host the 2013 NAH Season Opener. 20 teams from across the Eastside showed up to test drive the NAH v3 ruleset compete for 7 invites to the North American Championship, and it looked something like this:

Thinly Sliced Cabbage (Boston) beat out Shart Bus Sharties (NYC) for the last qualifying spot. This gave us the top six Eastside teams:
1st The Means (Chris NYC, Alexis, Nick RVA)
2nd D G T (Jake , Lomax, Biddle PHILLY/BOSTON)
3rd White Fang (James, Javier Addison BOSTON)
4th Philly (brendan, Tommy, Peter PHILLY)
5th Los Or!gianls (WERM, JT, Baby RVA)
5th Magic Toast (Nate, Zach, Paul NYC)
6th Thinly sliced cabbage (Pippa, Zack, Robby BOSTON)
Commonwheels Co-op Party! Saturday April 6
We’re warming ourselves up for ERQ’s this weekend at Commonwheels Spring Bike Party!
For $5 you get access to a keg of the tastiest beer in New England – Berkshire Brewing Company Steel Rail Pale Ale. Don’t take our word for it, come join us and find out!
We’re going to set up knife fights out back, and the after party will be head at our very favorite polo spot…
See you there!