Two of Boston’s teams made it to the top 16, with HOT LUNCH (Jav, Toby, and Gus) finishing 5th.
BRUINS (Jon, Jamie, and Jake) won the wild card slot making it into the final bracket, and finished 9th.
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Two of Boston’s teams made it to the top 16, with HOT LUNCH (Jav, Toby, and Gus) finishing 5th.
BRUINS (Jon, Jamie, and Jake) won the wild card slot making it into the final bracket, and finished 9th.
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you know you want to.
click to view recent photos from the Bench Minor Grudge Match.
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Looking for more info on where and when? The best place to find up-to-date info is on the boston fixed forums.
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Boston will be there…yes…
This one is worth watching, really bizarre night effects…but for some reason I can’t get it to embed. Click to view…
Boston Southie Night Polo from Ken Stanek on Vimeo.